Jl. Darmokali No. 60, Surabaya, 60241, Indonesia


BATIQA Hotel Darmo - Surabaya located 16 km away from Juanda International Airport. Head east on Jalan Terminal 2 Juanda and turn right after 70 meters. Go straight on and turn right toward Jalan Raya Bandara Juanda for 350 meters. At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Jalan Raya Bandara Juanda. Use the right lane to turn left onto Jalan Letjen S Parman / Jalan Raya Malang - Surabaya. After 90 meters take a sharp right to stay on Jalan Letjen S Parman / Jalan Raya Malang - Surabaya, pass by Ruko Gate Way on the right in 850 meters and keep right to continue on Jalan Jenderal S Parman / Jalan Raya Malang - Surabaya / Jalan Raya Waru. At Bundaran Waru, take the 3rd exit onto Jalan Ahmad Yani / Jalan Frontage Ahmad Yani Siwalankerto. Pass by Hypermart on the left in 350 meter and exit the roundabout onto Jalan Ahmad Yani / Jalan Frontage Ahmad Yani Siwalankerto. Continue straight onto Jalan Frontage Ahmad Yani Siwalankerto / Jalan Raya Malang - Surabaya, pass by Halte RS Bhayangkara on the left. After 2,1 kilo meter take a slight right to stay on Jalan Frontage Ahmad Yani Siwalankerto and make a U-turn after Kospin jasa on the left. Use the left lane to turn slightly left onto Jalan Jembatan Wonokromo. take a turn left onto Jalan Darmokali and pass by Indomaret Darmokali. The hotel will be on the left.

Sate Manggul Madura Recipe

Sate Manggul Madura:
Recipe by:
- Chef Subagio Johannes (BATIQA Hotel Darmo - Surabaya)
- Chef Gilang Ramadhano (Yummy)

Sate Manggul Madura is Madura traditional cuisine which is rarely found nowadays. Sate Manggul Madura served with savory marinade can be the right choice to be enjoyed with family.

BATIQA Darmo Hotel - Surabaya collaborating with Yummy from IDN Media Group tried to bring Sate Manggul Madura back to the dining table through the latest Cooking Class event.

Sate Manggul Madura Ingredients:
- Boneless chicken leg 180 gr
- Grated coconut 100 gr
- 100 gr of rice flour
- Santan 70 gr
- Pandan leaves 3 gr
- 100 gr yellow spices
- Sweet soy sauce 60 gr
- Salty soy sauce 35 gr
- Tomato 35 gr
- Red onion 20 gr
- Cayenne pepper 15 gr
- Satay skewer 6 pcs

- Cut chicken thighs in dice, put 5 pcs pieces into a skewer
- Mix sweet soy sauce, coriander powder and oil, then soak satay
- Cook the satay pan-frying
- Mix yellow spices with grated coconut then roast over medium heat
- Wrap the yellow spices on the satay
- To make a manggul, mix the water and rice flour then pour it into the pan, heat it over low heat
- Add thick coconut milk, pandan leaves, salt, sugar, tomatoes, shallots, cayenne pepper, and sweet soy sauce
- Pour the mangosteen over the skewers and serve

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