Jl. Jendral Sudirman no. 17, Simpang Tiga, Pekanbaru, Riau


BATIQA Hotel Pekanbaru is located 1,7 km away from Sultan Syarif Kasim II International Airport. Head north on Jalan Bandara SSK II and then make a U-turn and after going straight on after 250 meters, the hotel will be on your left side.

5 Traditional Cuisine You Have to Try in Pekanbaru

If you are in Pekanbaru, spare some time of yours to explore their traditional dishes. Here are the list of 5 most recommended traditional cuisine especially curated for you by the General Manager of BATIQA Hotel Pekanbaru.

  1. Lempuk Durian

The dish is made from durian meat and mixed with brown sugar. The texture of this dish is smooth as durian. You can easily find this cuisine in Bengkalis area. 

  1. Pancake Durian

Durian pancakes are the combination between durian and vla puree that wrapped in special colorful crepes. This food has strong aroma and taste of durian.

  1. Talam Durian

Talam durian offers two different sensations in one bite; rich durian flavor at the top, and sticky rice at the bottom. The coconut milk mixture in this processed dough also adds a delicious savory flavor.

  1. Bolu Pisang

For those who loves Banana this one is one thing you should not miss. This is the traditional dish from Pekanbaru. The legit taste of it, makes many people willing to bring this food home to their hometown.

  1. Bolu Kemojo

This food has its own philosophy to its name, and its because of its shape resembling kemojo or frangipani flowers. The texture of kemojo sponge tends to be solid like a wet cake and dominated by sweetness. Kemojo bowls are brownish with the greenish color. This green color is produced by a mixture of water from suji leaves and pandan leaves. In addition to the beautiful color and shape, the aroma of pandanus from sponge cake is also appetizing.


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